How to Draw a Leaf Step by Step

This tutorial shows an easy way to draw a leaf in for steps. It provides simple illustrated example and quick drawing tips.

Leaf drawing step by step
Leaf drawing step by step

You can see a preview of the different drawing stages for the leaf in the example above.

It’s recommended that you start the tutorial in pencil. You will also want it to be fairly sharp or have fairly thin lead to make it easier to draw the small veins.

When drawing try and keep your lines light until you’ve added all parts of the leaf. You can then trace over them with a thin black marker or darken them with the pencil.

Step 1 – Draw the Outline of the Leaf

Leaf blade drawing
Leaf blade drawing

Begin by making an outline of the main leaf’s blade (the flat part). Make this narrower towards the base and wider towards the middle ending with a pointy tip. Next, add the petiole/midrib running through it’s center.

Leaf outline drawing
Leaf outline drawing

The petiole (the part that attaches the leaf to the branch) should be thicker near it’s base and get slightly thinner as it changes into the midrib (the large vein through the middle of the leaf). The midrib should then continue getting thinner as it goes up.

Overall try and draw the leaf so that there is a bit of a curve to it’s shape. This will make it look more natural.

Step 2 – Draw the Veins

Leaf veins drawing
Leaf veins drawing

Branching out from the midrib add the larger veins. Make these longer near the middle of the leaf (where it’s wider) and shorter as they go up or down.

Make the veins thicker at the base and narrower as they go out. Also, try and draw each one to have a slightly different curve or wave to it so that so that they are all a little different.

Step 3 – Draw the Smaller Veins

Leaf line drawing
Leaf line drawing

Add some smaller veins going out from the large ones. As these are quite thin you can draw each with just a single line.

Once you’ve added the smaller veins you should have all parts of the leaf in place. If you are happy with how things look you can trace over your drawing with a black pen or marker (as was mentioned at the start of the tutorial. If you don’t happen to have one around then just darken your lines by pressing harder on the pencil.

Step 4 – Color the Leaf

Leaf drawing
Leaf drawing

When coloring make the leaf a darker green and the petiole/midrib/veins a lighter yellow green.

If you want to have an autumn leaf you can make it yellow, red or brown and the petiole/midrib/veins a lighter variation of the same color.


Drawing a leaf like the one in this example can be fairly easy, even if you are beginner artist. As was shown in the examples you generally want to start with it’s overall outline followed by the smaller parts and finally the little details.

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