How to Draw Broccoli Step by Step
This tutorial shows how to draw broccoli in six steps. It includes simple slightly stylized examples and quick drawing instructions.

Broccoli generally has a lot of random shapes and small parts making it fairly difficult to draw. However it can be much easier to make a drawing of a more stylized example such as this. At the same time it can look very nice.
It’s recommended that you start the line drawing part of this tutorial with a pencil. You can (optionally) switch to a black pen/marker later on.
Step 1 – Draw the Crown of the Broccoli

Start by drawing the outline of the broccoli’s crown and be sure to leave enough room below it for the stem. Shape it a bit like a cloud with many curves of different sizes.
Make the top a bit more “puffed up” and the bottom a little more flat.
Step 2 – Draw the Trunk/Stems

Very similar to a tree trunk splitting into branches draw the trunk of the broccoli splitting into stems. In this case there will be three of them, one for the middle and two bending to each side.
Step 3 – Draw Some Florets

The little bunches of flowers buds on a broccoli are collected into florets. Draw clumps of these with smaller cloud like shapes inside the main outline of the crown.
Start by drawing a large one above the stems.
Step 4 – Add More Details/Florets

Sticking out from behind the first clump of florets draw a few more (to each of it’s sides). You can again add these with a bunch of different sized curves.
Step 5 – Finish the Line Drawing

Finally add the last few curves along the bottom of the broccoli crown. Afterwards go over your drawing with a black pen, marker or darker pencil lines.
Step 6 – Color the Broccoli

To color the broccoli you can simply make the crown a dark green and the trunk/stems a light green. It should be fairly easy to color it using just about anything. You can do it with markers, colored pencils, paints or some combination of these.
For markers you may need two different color variants.
If coloring with colored pencils you can get the lighter/darker greens by simply applying more or less pressure to the pencil. If coloring with water colors you can again just add more water for the lighter green and less for the dark green.
Drawing realistic looking broccoli can be very time consuming and difficult. Stylizing an object like in this tutorial can make it much simpler to draw while still keeping it fairly obvious as to what it is.
For more similar tutorial also see:
- How to Draw a Tree Step by Step
- How to Draw an Onion Step by Step
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- How to Draw Green Peas Step by Step