How to Draw a Club Step by Step

This tutorial shows how to draw a club, one that can be used as a weapon. It consists of six steps with simple drawing examples and quick instructions for each them.

Club drawing step by step
Club drawing step by step

A club like the one in this example can be a weapon that someone like a barbarian could use.

While the tutorial is very simple it’s recommended that you start in pencil just in case you make a mistake or want to tweak your drawing. Try and make fairly light lines that you can easily erase. You can darken them later on with a black pen or marker.

Step 1 – Draw the Outline of the Main Part of the Club

Club main part drawing
Club main part drawing

Start by drawing the main part of the club. Make it thicker towards the tip and narrower towards the handle (to be added in next step).

Step 2 – Draw the Handle

Club handle drawing
Club handle drawing

Onto the main part of the club add the handle, make it fairly short in comparison with light curves for it’s outlines so that the middle is slighter wider than the top and bottom.

Step 3 – Draw the Knob

Club knob drawing
Club knob drawing

At the back of the handle add a knob that would help keep the hand from sliding off of the club when swinging it. Draw it’s shape as shown in the example.

Step 4 – Draw the Wrapping on the Handle

Club wrapping drawing
Club wrapping drawing

Add wrapping to the handle. Draw this as a series of lightly curved lines at different angles.

Step 5 – Add the Details & Finish the Line Drawing

Club line drawing
Club line drawing

Add some details such as various bends and dents running along the surface of the club (like it’s had some wear and tear). You can draw these as several curved and wavy lines as shown in the example.

Once done make sure that you are happy with the way your drawing looks and trace over it with a black pen or marker. If you don’t have one handy simply darken your lines with the pencil. Also (optionally) try and make the lines that outline the main shape of the club slightly thicker than the ones for the smaller details such as the bumps/dents and wrapping.

Step 6 – Color the Club

Club drawing
Club drawing

To color the club you can make it’s wooden parts a light yellow/brown and the wrapping on the handle a dark brown (so that it looks like leather).

Either mix yellow and brown paints or go over the club with a yellow pencil and then a brown one (very lightly). Markers may be too bright to get the wood looking colors (you could however use a brown one for the handle).

Once done coloring you should be finished with the club drawing.


The club in this tutorial is probably a little too exaggerated to be a real weapon. However it could be drawn for a fantasy or comic book character such as barbarian or some other sort of a warrior.

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