How to Draw an Avocado Step by Step

This four step tutorial shows an easy way to drawn an avocado. It includes illustrated examples and quick drawing instructions.

Avocado drawing step by step
Avocado drawing step by step

As you can see in the preview above this is quite a simple tutorial. It can be great for beginners or anyone looking to draw something for fun.

Start the drawing in pencil and make light lines that you can easily erase in case you make a mistake. You can trace over it with a black pen or marker once you feel that things look right.

Step 1 – Draw the Outline of the Avocado

Avocado outline drawing
Avocado outline drawing

Begin outlining the main shape of the avocado. Usually it will be narrower towards one end (where it was attached to the tree) and rounder towards the other.

Overall it’s shape will be somewhat similar to a pear.

For drawing an actual pear also see:

How to Draw a Pear Step by Step

Step 2 – Draw the Tip

Avocado tip drawing
Avocado tip drawing

For this simple step just add the little bump/tip to where the avocado was attached to the tree. You can draw it with pretty much one curved line.

Step 3 – Draw the Bumps

Avocado line drawing
Avocado line drawing

Avocados tend to have a bumpy surface but you don’t need to draw out every single bump. Instead just give a hint of them by drawing some running along it’s bottom.

Also try and keep the bumps somewhat random in size and spread them out somewhat randomly so that your drawing looks more natural.

Once you finish drawing the bumps confirm that your drawing looks right and trace over it with a black pen or marker (as mentioned at the start of the tutorial).

Step 4 – Color the Avocado

Avocado drawing
Avocado drawing

Finally you can color the avocado to finish the drawing. To do this you can pretty much use whatever media you have handy (paints, markers, colored pencils, etc…).

Make the avocado’s main surface green and the little tip a light a brown. Also be sure to leave a white area for the highlights (light reflecting from it’s surface). To again show that the surface is bumpy/uneven break the highlight up into several white spots as shown in the example.

You don’t want the highlights to have a black outline but you can draw them out using a green pencil or marker to help make sure that you don’t accidentally go over them. You can then just blend the outlines into the green as you color it.


An avocado like the one in this tutorial can be very easy to draw as it has a fairly simple shape and a surface that is just one solid color. However if done right even simple drawing such as this one can look quite nice. For more easy drawing tutorials on fruits and vegetables also see: