How to Draw a Muffin Step by Step
This short tutorial shows how to draw a muffin with chocolate chips in four easy steps. It provides simple examples and gives some quick drawing tips.

A muffin has a very simple shape and is quite easy to draw. The chocolate chips in this example may be a little more tricky so if you find them to be too complex simply leave them out.
It’s recommended that you start the drawing in pencil and make light lines that you can easily erase in case you make a mistake. The example lines have been made darker/thicker so that they are easier to see.
Step 1 – Draw the Outline of the Muffin

Begin by making an outline drawing of the top and bottom of the muffin. Make the top part somewhat similar to a mushroom cap with the bottom shaped like a wide bucket (wider at the top and narrower at the bottom).
Step 2 – Draw the Chocolate Chips

Scattered along the cap add the chocolate chips
Generally when mixed into a muffin the chips will tend to all be at different angles with some sticking out more than others.
To show this draw some chips rounder and others more oval with some having one side looking like it’s been cut off (to show that they are sicking inside the muffin). You can also draw an edge line inside some of them to better show the direction a chip is pointing in.
Finally yo can also draw a few of the chips sticking out from behind the “muffin cap”.
Step 3 – Draw the Wax Paper Folds

Add the folds along the paper that covers the bottom of the muffin. Draw these with straight lines that are more vertical towards the middle and leaning more towards the sides as they get closer to them. To help show the curvature of the muffin you can also draw the lines slightly closer together as they go towards the sides.
After you draw out the folds go over your drawing with darken pencil lines or a black pen/marker.
Step 4 – Color the Muffin

To color the muffin you can make it a yellow brown with the bottom portion just a slightly bit lighter then the top (to show its wrapped in semi-transparent white paper).
Make the chocolate chips a fairly dark brown but with some lighter spots towards one side of each chip to show the highlights which make the chips look shiny. Color these a much lighter brown than the chips.
For a different type of a muffin you can make it a different color. For example a dark orange for a carrot muffin or a dark brown for a chocolate one.
A muffin is fairly easy to draw but the chocolate chips in this particular example may be a little more tricky. As suggested at the start of the tutorial if you are not sure how to draw them you can simply leave them out.
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