How to Draw a Soda Cup in 6 Steps
This step by step tutorial shows how to draw a paper soda cup with a lid and a straw. It includes easy to follow illustrated examples and quick tips.

You can see a preview of the six main drawing stages of the cup in the image above. In this example it has a fairly generic look that is very common to such items.
For drawing a soda can see the following tutorial:
How to Draw a Can of Pop Step by Step
Although this example is very simple it’s recommended that you start it in pencil and draw light lines that are easy to erase in case you make a mistake. You can darken them later on once you have all parts of the soda cup outlined.
Step 1 – Draw the Shape of the Soda Cup

First draw the cup itself. Give it a rounded bottom and make it wider as it goes up. Leave the top open.
Step 2 – Draw the Bottom of the Lid

At the top of the cup add the main part of the lid. Make this slightly wider as it goes down and define each of it’s sides with a slight curve. This type of a shape helps the lid snap onto the rim of the cup.
Step 3 – Draw the Top of the Lid

On top of the lid add it’s smaller upper sections as shown in the example above.
Step 4 – Draw the Straw

Coming out of the middle of the lid draw the straw. In this case it will have a flexible part towards it’s upper end (as many straws do) that will be bent to one side.

Outline the bend with a pair of jagged line on each of it’s sides. Try and keep the number of “teeth” the same on each side.
Step 5 – Add the Straw Folds & Finish the Line Drawing

Draw the folds along the straw as shown in the example. To do this simply connect the edges of each of the teeth on one side to those on the other.

Once done with the details of the straw you can trace over the soda cup drawing the darker lines. Do this by either pressin harder on the pencil or use a black pen/maker (as was suggested at the start of the tutorial).
Step 6 – Color the Soad Cup

To color the soda cup you can use whatever medium you like or even a mix of different things (markers, paints, colored pencils, etc…). In this case the cup will be red, the straw blue and the lid white. You can of course use a different combination of colors if you prefer.
You can also optionally give the cup a small shadow (see example). This will help make it appear like it’s actually sitting on a sufrance. An easy way to add it is just by using a regular pencil.
This tutorial shows how to draw a traditional looking paper soda cup with a straw and a lid. The example is fairly simple so hopefully you’ve not had any trouble following along.
For more of these types of drawin guides (as well as items that may go well with soda) also see the following: