How to Draw a Bagel Step by Step
This tutorial shows an easy way to draw a bagel in six steps. The bagel will also have a slice of cheese and cream cheese on it.

Start the tutorial in pencil and draw light lines as you will need to erase some small parts of the drawing in between one of the steps. Light lines can also make it easier to correct mistakes.
Step 1 – Draw the Top of the Bagel

The bagel will be sliced in two so start by drawing an outline of the top slice. It should pretty much look like a fairly stretched out oval.
Slightly towards the top of this (as shown in the example) draw a small curve that will show the hole in the bagel.
Step 2 – Draw the Bottom of the Bagel

Underneath the top part draw the bottom slice. First outline it’s overall shape and then slightly closer to the top add another curved line that shows it’s edge.
Once done you should have the two slice of the bagel looking a slight distance apart from one another.
Step 3 – Draw the Cheese Slice

Sticking out from between the two halves add a cheese slice. To do this you can erase some small parts of the bottom half of the bagel that will be covered by it.
When drawing the cheese slice first outline it’s main shape and then add some small edge lines to help show it’s thickness.
Step 4 – Add the Cream Cheese

Below the cheese slice add the cream cheese. You can outline it with a “wobbly” line as the edges of spread cream cheese tend to be fairly uneven.
You can also draw a few shorter lines inside the main outline of the cream cheese in a similar way.
Step 5 – Add the Sesame Seeds & Finish the Line Drawing

To finish the line drawing of the bagel you can first add some sesame seeds sprinkled on the top slice. You can then trace over your lines to darker them. Do this by either pressing harder on the pencil or use a black pen or marker.
Step 6 – Color the Bagel

To color the bagle make the outer crust an orange/brown. Make the inner part (where its cut) a lighter yellow/brown.
You can make the cheese yellow or orange and leave the cream cheese white.
Good coloring options can be paints or colored pencils as markers may be a little too bright.
Drawing a bagel with cream cheese/cheese is fairly simple. Start the drawing with the largest parts (the two slices) then adding the smaller parts (the cheese) and finally add the smallest details (the sesame seeds).
For more similar/food related tutorials also see:
- How to Draw a Burger Step by Step
- How to Draw a Pizza Step by Step
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- How to Draw Cheese Step by Step
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