How to Draw a Bowl of Soup Step by Step
This tutorial shows how to draw a bowl of soup with a spoon in it in six steps. It provides simple illustrated examples as well as quick drawing tips.

You can see a preview of the drawing stages for the soup bowl in the image above.
Start the tutorial in pencil and make light lines as you will need to erase a small part of the bowl’s outline when adding the spoon. You can darken them with a black pen or marker before coloring.
Step 1 – Draw the Outline of the Soup Bowl

Star with an outline of the bottom and sides of the bowl (leave the top open for now). Draw each one with a nice and smooth curve.
Step 2 – Draw the Upper Part of the Rim

You will want to draw the rim of the bowl where it’s overall shape is basically an oval. However this should be broken up into two parts. Start with the upper curve which should merge into each of the sides.
Step 3 – Draw the Lower Part of the Rim

Draw the bottom curve where it stops just a little bit short of touching the sides. Drawing it in this way will help show the thickness of the bowl. Otherwise it will appear paper thin.
Step 4 – Draw the Soup

Draw another curve inside the rim of the bowl to show the level of the soup (as shown in the example).
Step 5 – Draw the Spoon & Finish the Line Drawing

Coming up out of the soup add a spoon. In this case just the handle will be visible. Erase the part of the bowl and soup outlines where the spoon is added in. You can also draw a few little curves/ripples around the part where it dips into the liquid.
Once you add the spoon you can trace over your drawing with a black pen or marker (as was mentioned at the start of the tutorial). If you don’t have one of those around you can just darken your lines with the pencil.
Step 6 – Color the Soup Bowl

You can color the soup and bowl pretty much any color you like and use whatever medium you prefer such as paints, markers or colored pencils (or a mix of them).
In this case the bowl will be a light blue, the soup an orange/brown and the spoon a light grey (to show that it’s metallic). You can also give the bowl a highlight (light reflecting from its surface) running along one of it’s sides as is shown in the example. Outline the highlight with either a regular pencil (very lightly) or whatever color you wish to use for the bowl. You can then color around the outline and leave it white.
To make it look like the bowl is actually sitting on a surface and not floating in space you can also give it a light oval shaped shadow as shown in the example.
This tutorial shows how to draw a fairly ordinary looking bowl with a spoon and some soup in it. While there is nothing particularly complicated in the way any of these things are drawn the final result can still be quite nice. Adding a few simple details like a highlight and a shadow is often enough to make a fairly plain drawing look good.
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